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Lutz Creek to Manteo: After a pleasant night at anchor in Lutz Creek, we continue south crossing the Albermarle Sound before the winds pick up. Once across the sound, we leave the ICW and take a hard left toward the Outer Banks. Our destination today is the historic town of Manteo on Roanoke Island. We […]

Back Aboard

After four months on land, the crew is back aboard Idyll Time and looking forward to getting out on the water. Other than a few cobwebs, we found IT in good condition. Hurricane Mathew caused major flooding here at Atlantic Yacht Basin a few weeks ago. The docks were all under two feet of water, […]

Krogen Rendezvous 2016

The fall boating season is rapidly approaching. Before heading back aboard Idyll Time we make one last trip in the RV to attend the 27th annual Krogen Rendezvous which is held each year in Solomons Maryland (more on this later). We decide to break up the trip with a stop in Damascus, VA. Damascus has […]

RV Trip to Lake Champlain, VT 2016

  Day 1-3: We wanted to take a break from the summer heat in TN so we loaded up the Winnebago RV and headed towards Lake Champlain, NY for a couple of weeks. Primo has never been on a RV trip so this too would be a acclamation adventure. We’ve always wanted to explore this […]

Bald Head Island to Great Bridge, VA

  Our stay on Bald Head Island was extended to six days while tropical storm Colin quickly rolled up the east coast. I can’t think of a better place to be stuck. This small barrier island is one of our favorite stops. To read more about the island see some of our previous logs. While […]

Stuart to Bald Head Island

  Returning from the Bahamas, Sunset Bay Marina in Stuart, FL was our home for a week. Our first task was a trip to birdie daycare where we picked up Nate along with his new buddy Primo ( see previous blog).  Life aboard Idyll Time was a little crazy for the next few days as […]


Soo…..We have some exciting news aboard Idyll Time.  For those of you that follow our blog you will ember our fiasco with trying to take Nate, our Amazon Parrot, with us to the Bahamas earlier this year.(see A Birds Tale)  Well, sometimes things happen that you had never expected.  I am sure everyone has had […]

Green Turtle to Stuart

  Our arrival in the Exumas two months ago was a stormy one. Our departure from the Bahamas is also a stormy one. Leaving Green Turtle, we worked our way west along the Little Bahama Bank while dodging fast moving thunder storms coming off the Florida coast. Our first stop Is Powell Cay, a small […]

The Abacos

It was an interesting day as we traveled the NW Providence Channel from Spanish Wells to the Abacos.  The fishing rods were deployed early for the all day trip as these Atlantic waters are renowned for their fishing.  Soon thereafter, things started to get active.  We had multiple strikes and the loss of two cedar […]

The Abacos

It was an interesting day as we traveled the NW Providence Channel from Spanish Wells to the Abacos.  The fishing rods were deployed early for the all day trip as these Atlantic waters are renowned for their fishing.  Soon thereafter, things started to get active.  We had multiple strikes and the loss of two cedar […]