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On route to Bernkastel-Kues

 We have come as far as “Bernkastel-Kues ” which is at KM 131.Metz is as far as we wentup the Mosel and is at KM 300. So we are over 1/3 back to where the Mosel flows into the Rhine (KM 0).We are waiting here for the arrival of our guest (the Disl…

On the way back.

We are on our way back to the Rhine. It is clear now that fall is upon us as the colors start to change more and more and the nights are getting cooler.However we are enjoying beautiful fall weather with temperatures in the lower 20 deg.

French Cuisine

This is the restaurant where we tasted the “French cuisine” and it was worth coming to Metz for. The meal took 3 hours, partly because it took a while to figure out the menu!!! If nothing else, the duck liver (famous in France) was excellent, as was th…

Near disaster!!!

  The weather was nice, however a bit windy.We were enjoying the sun and reading a book on the back deck. When I looked around I noticed Joanne’s  bike hanging from the dock by the handle bars. Mine was nowhere to be seen. When I fished …

Down town Metz

Some pictures of the down town area of Metz.

Down town Metz

          After collapsing everything on the boat that could be collapsed, we squeezed under the  bridge and made our way to the marina.It is close the the down town area, and has excellent internet con…


We are almost there!!! But that bridge in the distance looks awfully low!!!! And as we get closer our suspicion becomes reality,  We DON’t fit under. At least not until we drop the radar arch. We decided that it was not a bad place to anchor, and …

Thionville France

Our first stop in France”Thionville”We had a hard time finding a place to dock (not enough water)Finally we asked this ” Bike and Barge” boat if we could go along side and tie up to them.  This was OK with the captain of Merlijn , a Dutch Bike and…

On our way to Metz.
