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Shining Like New Money….

My wonderful grandmother has a phrase she uses now and then to describe something that looks really nice and new. That phrase is that it is “shining like new money.” Well…our little Monk trawler seems to be shining now like new money herself! We m…

Be still my heart!!!

Goodness!!! The yard just emailed me a few pics of the boat as I’ve not been able to get over there to inspect her directly yet. Do you remember when you were a teenager and at the big school dance and the prettiest girl in the entire school was ther…

A bit of our trawler comes home

Since we are changing the name of our trawler, our port/starboard nameboards need to be refinished and the new name placed on them. Since the boat is over in Guntersville getting the finishing touches of the topside paint done, fuel at $3.40 a gallon …

While they are painting….

I debated whether to paint the topsides of our trawler myself or to hire it out. Obviously, based on our trip down river the other weekend, we opted to hire it out. Because of that, we were able to spend the last week down in sunny Florida on Treasur…

End of the trip….

Well, our third day (yesterday) was a short run! We only had about 21 miles to do from Goose Pond to Alred Marina where we were dropping the boat off for the new topsides painting. Honestly- none of us wanted the trip to end! Caleb and I agreed that…

Day #2= More fun!!

I am happy to report that I am nestled quietly in my bed after another good run on the river today. We did a few less than 50 miles yesterday and few more than 50 today, for a grand total of right at almost exactly 100 miles traveled so far in the l…

Absolutely INCREDIBLE day!

Wow!! What a great day! We started late from Island Cove and then got hung up for close to an hour at the Chickamauga lock waiting for a barge to go through. I had been slightly apprehensive about locking thru with our trawler as it was my first tim…

Green Light!

Well- looks like time, weather, and circumstance or finally aligning properly! My dad, my 8 year old son, and me made our way up to the boat today. We are spending the night at the dock and plan to cast off the lines early tomorrow morning to start o…

The weather wins!

ell, our trip down the river to drop off our trawler to get the topsides painted has been delayed. 34-35 degrees and steady/misting rain would not make for the funnest of travels. Thus, we have pushed things out at least another week. Assuming the w…

Whether to weather the weather….

What to do, what to do! Our plan is to do our 125 mile trip down the river this coming weekend, departing Island Cove early Friday morning. Last weekend was simply beautiful with temperatures in the 60’s. Friday/Saturday this coming weekend are forec…