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Sooooo close, but ………

The good news is we have an answer.  The bad news is we are not on the ship leaving Brisbane tomorrow.   It is a VERY long story …………………… I gave up on trying to get info from the agent and was able to talk directly…

Sooooo close, but ………

The good news is we have an answer.  The bad news is we are not on the ship leaving Brisbane tomorrow.   It is a VERY long story …………………… I gave up on trying to get info from the agent and was able to talk directly…

Hurry up, and wait ………………………

We have been docked at Rivergate Marina, on the Brisbane River, for the last 10 days preparing Oso Blanco for a long ship ride back to the USA.    We are working with an agent in Florida who is supposed to specialize in shippin…

Hurry up, and wait ………………………

We have been docked at Rivergate Marina, on the Brisbane River, for the last 10 days preparing Oso Blanco for a long ship ride back to the USA.    We are working with an agent in Florida who is supposed to specialize in shippin…


Think Minnesota State Fair meets Bayfield County Fair and you have the beginning of understanding of the Ekka – the Royal Queensland Exhibition of Industry and Agriculture. The event had all the traditional displays to which we are accustomed – with an…


Think Minnesota State Fair meets Bayfield County Fair and you have the beginning of understanding of the Ekka – the Royal Queensland Exhibition of Industry and Agriculture. The event had all the traditional displays to which we are accustomed – with an…


 Footy – that’s Aussie-speak for Australian Rules Football – is a popular  Australian national sport which, to an American point of view, combines several better-known games into a fast-action, intense and grueling competition of 18 men per t…


 Footy – that’s Aussie-speak for Australian Rules Football – is a popular  Australian national sport which, to an American point of view, combines several better-known games into a fast-action, intense and grueling competition of 18 men per t…

Grand Finale, the evidence

This is either the evidence of a great few days, or possibly the ceremonial alter of the SMYC.     Perhaps Main Street in Park City would be an appropriate location for the Cantina.         E

Grand Finale

After our passage south from Cairns to Brisbane, we spent 6 fabulous nights anchored out in the islands near Brisbane with the Giffords on Totem.    We found peaceful anchorages, the kids all played and had sleep-overs, and the…