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Saturday Nov 6

Karen & I took the dinghy for a ride up to the north end of the island. I was showing her around. I don’t take the dinghy very often. This was one of my longer trips and of course when we were at the farrrr north end an alarm decided to go off. We were…

Wednesday Nov 3

We are now “home” Man O War –Dickies Cay.Premium Time with Karen & David Trauger are still with us. We left the anchorage at 5AM Friday Oct 29. The inlet was smooth with the outgoing tide.Paul saw several weather cells along the coast about 10 miles o…

Bahamas Crossing

We are leaving at 5 am today ( Thursday Oct 28) for our crossing to the Bahamas. Wish us luck for a good crossing. We know it will be bumpy but hope not too bumpy.

Tuesday Oct 26

We left Brunswick GA on Monday Oct 18 –only 3 days later than we had planned but I think this is about the same date as last year. Our Buddy Boat is Premium Time with Karen & David Trauger.Karen is a really neat person and I know we are going to have …

Tuesday October 26

We saw several Manatees. We saw more circles of where they were. The pictures of the Manatees are very hard to get but this “bump” in the water is one of several in our anchorage one nightWe had lots of dolphins on our trip south. I got what I think ar…


Paul’s Family

Mom, Sister Carolyn, daughter Janet and wife –me

Pictures — see if I can do any better

Great Niece Brynn – have you ever seen so much hair?

Brad and D.D.

Pictures– July WV trip

Grandma, John and Aunt Becky

Kris, Janet, Me, Becky

Grandma and Grandson

John, John and Becky

Grandson John Daughter-in-law Kris

Sister Becky and husband John
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Catch up time

Here goes with the catch up. I will not make this long and drawn out.I left off with my first trip to OH/WV. My sister Becky and her husband John came from Texas to my brothers house in Wheeling while I was there. We had some real quality time as a fam…