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ROCKtober Cruise Set

Finishing preparations for our ROCKtober Southern Cruise.  Annie and I will take the boat from Merritt Island (our home port) to Savannah Ga.  Annie can only stay on for the first two days, in that she is now a working girl again.  I’ll finish…

Football is Back

Cruising Guides

We use a variety of cruising books and guides aboard Seadee.  The Cruising Trawler site has an Amazon store featuring all of the books we use and more.  Cruising Trawler Book Store

Long Range Wifi

We’ve all struggled with grabbing, and holding WiFi signals while cruising outside the States.  While in the Abacos this year, Annie and I tried a new device called the Wirie.  All I can say is – It works.  We never found ourselves without a sol…