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April 3, 2010 – Punta Chivato

We went out to dinner our last night in Santa Rosalia with the entire population of the marina. I think there were probably 15 or so of us. It was very jolly. The next morning at 5:30 we pulled away from the dock and headed south. Our destination w…

April 1, 2010 – Santa Rosalia

Santa Rosalia has a small harbor, with a ferry dock, a commercial dock and two very small marinas. We decided to go the newer one, Singular, which has room for 15 boats. We tried to hail the marina on the radio several times and finally just went in …

March 31, 2010 – Santa Rosalia

I have photographed a couple of maps of Baja to help locate where we are. The first is an overview and the others are more localized.March 28 Puerto Mangles Well the wind blew all night and we expected to stay put at Isla Coronado, but around 8 am i…