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‘Round and ’round we go again

and again.One of the toughest parts of assembling one of these boats, other than falling on your head is bending the bottom panels around the forms at the bow.There’s a lot of tension built up in those panels when you ratchet them into shape. I’ve run …

Dump ducks and

some light duties in the boat shed tonight.Stopped at Subway for meatball sub tonight. Decided to sit down by the water and enjoy it and who shows up? A Dump Duck! Lori will tell you I have no likening of these foul birds. So along with the cat paw pri…

Hurricane Irene and the Stimson Bow Roof Shed

If there was ever any doubt how well designed the Stimson Bow Shed is this video should put those fears to rest!From: Far Reach Voyages

I tried

but it’s not good. A few more days to heal up methinks. :-(

My own signature line says

“It’s not a boat you’ve built till you’ve sworn at it, sweated over it, bled on it and cried beside it!” I made that up and use it on most of the boat building forms I post to. Well tonight I added a bit more blood to the project.I don’t think it’s bro…

The first part of Stitch & Glue

is the stitching! In this case it’s not thread we’re using it’s heavy duty plastic wire ties.Once I got around the entire hull stitching the panels together and getting them all lined up correctly I’ll begin the second part of the procedure, the gluing…

There’s two sides to every story

just as there are two sides to every boat! :-)With some help from Timmy and my Brother and Lori we wrestled the second side panel up into place. It had to be dragged out of the shed, flipped then brought back in and lifted into place. It took me a coup…

Yesterday was a ….

day of days. Our friends Peter & Nathalie launched their Bolger Windemere that they’ve been working on for 7+ years.The final fit-out will take place while the boat is in the water in its new berth. There’s still plenty of lil’ details that’ll make thi…

Things are happenin’

all over the place!My friend Peter is launching the boat he built tomorrow! I’m more than willing to give up a days work in the shed to attend this special event.I’m so excited I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight! :-)On my side of the boat buil…

Slick as ………..

The second set of bottom panels went up slick as …… Maybe I’m just getting the hang of it.Alignment on the stern was perfect. Bow needs a little adjustment which will have to wait till this afternoon. This girl is starting to show her true size. :…