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Goodbyes time

Yes, it’s the time for everyone to head for their summer season hang-out. Many of our neighbors have already left and four of us plan to leave today. We’re headed for Stuart, Florida where we’ll stay a couple weeks to get some maintenance items t…

Layin’ Low in Marathon

The bad grammar notwithstanding, this is what we’ve been doing lately. The above title is taken from an original song by an expatriated Marathonian that we heard the other night at Dockside. Yes, this hallowed and famous place has re-opened – live mu…

Music and Fleas

This post is about the Marathon Music Fest and the Big Pine Key Flea Market.The music was great this year (again). And all the logistical issues associated with the first festival last year have been fixed. Many (all?) local Krogen owners were voluntee…

The Season

Well, Θεοφάνεια (Theophany) has passed (that’s Epiphany for all you non-Greeks), the twelfth day of Christmas, which when growing up, meant it was time to usher out all the lords-a-leaping, turtle doves, and time to remove the Christmas Tree…

New Years Day 2011

As expected, it got right chilly for a few days after Christmas, but now it’s back to the high 70’s and sunny. We’re still waiting on a few people to arrive, but our 5 o’clock cocktail hour has two full picnic tables (an 8 and 12 footer). We’…

Christmas 2010

Christmas Day was lovely – 75°, sunny, and a light breeze. We actually needed the patio umbrellas (see photo above) because it got really hot. As for the last several Christmas’, everyone on the dock got together, got organized, and had an extraordi…

Marathon at last!

We finally untied from the dock yesterday (actually, it was the first day in several that we could) and got underway across Biscayne Bay. We exited the Biscayne Channel, past Stiltsville (use Google), and entered the Hawk Channel, which lies off shore …

Coconut Grove Day 2

Sunday, we had dinner at one of our favorite restaurants – Le Bouchon Du Grove. It was quite excellent and an authentic French bistro. Sherri had the duck special (Maigret) and Nick had the lamb. You will probably meet your dining neighbors because, in…

Coconut Grove

We finally left Stuart on Friday, December 10th with a short run to North Lake Worth and the very nice anchorage there – that is, us and about 35 other boats! But it’s a big area with lots of room. The next day, Saturday, we left early (in the fog) a…

Stuart Update 2

Well, since we’ve arrived in Stuart, we’ve made a trip to Annapolis in order to finalize the sale of our house and retrieve our car. Yes, we are now homeless! But that’s a good thing! Now we have to get rid of all the “stuff” that was in the …