A Visit Back to Maria Elena – Nordhavn N40

Nordhavn N40 - Maria Elena

Maria Elena at Catalina Island

Guest post by John & Maria Torelli

Despite still having the keys and occasionally checking on Maria Elena (our 2007 Nordhavn 40 which we recently sold to great couple who live in Miami) I had finally detached myself from the boat that was our home for three years.  While I still find a sense of excitement each time I arrive at the marina and see her off in the distance standing proudly amongst the sail and coastal cruisers I know she is no longer ours.  So it was with mixed emotions that Maria and I along with Daisy (our Chihuahua) accepted the owner’s insistence that we use the boat for a few days while we were in San Diego to finalize a few items related to the refurbishment of our recently purchased condominium.  Maria was more willing to spend the night aboard than I was so it was with some reservation that I agreed and we drove down to San Diego this past Sunday evening.  Driving onto Harbor Island brought back memories as Maria tried to keep Daisy calm as she always gets excited when she smells the fresh salt air and wants to run free.  After taking Daisy for her walk, we unloaded the car into two dock carts and rolled them down to the boat.  Returning to the boat brought feelings of returning back home.  We entered the boat (the first time in months for Maria) and the first thing I heard was “O look John just like we left her, why did we ever sell her?” Within a few minutes we got settled in and just like old times Maria said “why not call Pizza Nova and have them deliver a pizza and salad”?  Within an hour we were sipping a glass wine and enjoying one of favorite pizza’s while watching the playoffs in the salon, it felt as though we had never left this great life style.  The next morning I left work while Maria and Daisy enjoyed the boat and walks along the water’s edge.  The few days we spent on the boat brought back great memories and allowed me to reattach to the boat.  I found myself sitting in the engine room, checking fluid levels and doing some light cleaning.  Back up in the pilothouse (our favorite part of the boat) gave me that feeling of being in control and ready to cast off the dock lines and south to Cabo San Lucas. After a few days our stay came to an end as we packed up packed up our belongings left the boat as we found her.  As we walked along the dock heading to the car we discussed our plans for early retirement, our next Nordhavn and all the destinations we still want to visit.  I never thought I would become reattached to a great old friend that served us well for many years.  Now I have to realize all over again she is not ours but realize how fortunate we are to have enjoyed such a great life style for the past five years on two new Nordhavn trawlers.

– John & Maria Torelli

N4050 & N4061 (former owners) Maria Elena John and Maria Torelli are authors of “Life is a journey why not live it aboard a trawler?”  a guide to understanding the life style, costs and Pro’s & Con’s of life aboard.


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