About TrawlerBlogs

Trawler Blogs grew out of a personal interest in trawlers and reading trawler blogs. Reading the dozens of blogs about there about trawlers, circumnavigating, blue water cruising, or whatever else became time consuming and difficult to keep up. There were so many blogs flooding my inbox with email updates that my inbox was overflowing. So I began Trawler Blogs as a way to solve the problem of too many trawler blogs to read. It kind of just grew from there.

So what exactly is TrawlerBlogs?

TrawlerBlogs is the best place to discover and follow great trawler blogs. Here are some of the great things that we’re working on to make TrawlerBlogs even more awesome.

1. Personalized Trawler Stream: When you sign in, you will see updates only from the trawlers you choose to follow. This saves you time and the hassle of wading through posts from trawlers that you aren’t interested in reading.

2. Trawler Profiles: Trawler pages will soon transform into trawler profiles. These will be the best place to update your readers and followers on what’s going on with your trawler. It is a place to share updates, photos, and information about your trawler and your travels. Even better, your trawler profile will be the single most important place for you to connect with your readers.

3. Email Updates and Digests: Ever wish that you could get a daily digest of only those trawler blog posts that you wanted to read? We’re working on bringing you a customized daily email full of trawler posts that is created just for you. You’ll never have to wade through dozens of email updates again. Get your trawler blog updates from your favorite trawlers right here in one convenient email.

Trawler Blogs refreshes hourly so the most recent posts are always on top. The site is easy to view on a mobile device as well.

Our/My goal is for Trawler Blogs to become your Trawler and Cruiser site of record. So bookmark us and check back daily (or hourly) for updates!

If you have questions, comments, or want us to follow your blog, email us at jacob@trawlerblogs.com.

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