Keith’s Perspective on the Passage from Puerto Chipas to Panama City/Le point de vue de Keith sur le passage de Puerto Chipas à Panama City

This week has been really boring. We’ve been at sea the entire week. We left for Panama Saturday morning of January 4th. On Sunday I learned that yogurt tastes the same coming up as it does coming down. I played a lot … Continue reading

Keith’s Perspective on Puerto Chiapas/ Le point de vue de Keith sur Puerto Chiapas

This week has been pretty fun. On Saturday we went out to eat again at the marina. On Sunday we didn’t do anything in the morning. In the afternoon, we were planning to eat at the marina restaurant, but dad … Continue reading

Fueling Up and Sightseeing in Panama City

Thursday, January 16 — This morning, we untied and traversed the few hundred feet over to the fuel dock, which was located directly underneath the marina office.  Fueling up was uneventful. We took on 750 gallons at $3.54 per gallon, … Continue reading

Visiting Casco Viejo and the Panama Canal Museum Again

On Wednesday, January 15, the full moon was still shining brightly at dawn. After our morning chores, we caught a taxi to take us to the Panama Canal Museum, located in a neighborhood called Casco Viejo, which is the oldest … Continue reading

The Flamenco Food Court and La Playita

Monday, January 13 was a quiet day. We did school and chores in the morning, and more chores in the afternoon. We didn’t venture out until dinner time.  This time we walked farther down the causeway, to the restaurant at … Continue reading

The Smithsonian Punta Culebra Nature Center

Sunrise on Sunday, January 12 We spent the morning doing boat chores. At around 1000, Eric went up to the marina office and saw three raccoon-like creatures in the parking lot! At about 1215, we headed out to lunch. There … Continue reading

Welcome to Panama City, Panama

Continued from yesterday… At 0400, we approached the anchorage for the large boats coming from/going to the Panama Canal. We could have done circles for two hours until dawn broke, but since the ships were not moving, were lit, and … Continue reading

Passage from Puerto Chiapas to Panama City – Days 6 – 7.25

Thursday, January 9 — It was another ominously grey day with light wind. The lack of wind made it very hot outside, so we again ran the AC. There was very little wind chop, but the swell had increased in … Continue reading

Passage from Puerto Chiapas to Panama City – Days 3 – 5

Sunrise on January 6, 2024 in the morning, the swells were about 4 feet and coming from two different directions: on the nose and on the starboard right quarter, so we were both hobby-horsing and lurching. The intervals between the … Continue reading

Passage from Puerto Chiapas to Panama City – Days 1 – 2

Dawn on Saturday, January 4 We were up early and had Kosmos ready for sea by the time the authorities arrived at 0830. We’d thought it would only be a dog and handler doing a last-minute inspection to make sure … Continue reading