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Emergency Training: Inflating the Old Life Raft

When Kosmos was new, we bought a six-person Winslow life raft that was vacuum-sealed for extended life. We got a Maxi model with food, water, EPIRB and lots of great features. All these years, we kept it under the settee … Continue reading

Keith’s Perspective on Joshua Tree/Le point de vue de Keith sur Joshua Tree

Joshua Tree national park was amazing! The first day we drove there. We stopped to get food at a place called Farmer Boys. We went to my friend Heath’s campsite. Le parc national de Joshua Tree était incroyable! Le premier … Continue reading

Joshua Tree National Park

The family that we went camping with in Yosemite last year invited us to go to Joshua Tree National Park with them and several others for spring break. Joshua Trees are the largest species of the yucca genus (evergreens with … Continue reading

Keith’s Perspective on Yosemite/Le point de vue de Keith sur Yosemite

Yosemite was very fun. It took a long time to get there. The first night we stayed outside the park in an Air B&B. We stoped in the Mariposa Grove. We saw a GIGANTIC tree! Teddy Roosevelt himself stood in … Continue reading

Yosemite National Park Days 4 – 5

Wednesday, July 26 — Eric and Keith were both pretty tired from yesterday’s hike, so we decided to rent bikes and spend the day leisurely riding around Yosemite Valley with Greg and Heath. Greg and Heath had brought their own … Continue reading

Yosemite National Park — Day 3

Tuesday (July 25) was another early morning. We left our campsite about 0720 and drove up to Glacier Point, which took almost an hour and a half. Near the top, we stopped at a viewpoint not far from the Point. … Continue reading

Yosemite National Park – Day 2

Monday, July 24 — Eric, Greg and Heath got up at 0500 to get an early start on the Vernal Falls hike. Here is a photo of them at the footbridge, the first milestone of the hike. They took the … Continue reading

Yosemite National Park – Day 1

We left San Diego on Saturday, July 22 and made the 7.5 hour drive northeast to an AirBnB in Raymond, CA. We met up with our friends, Greg and Heath, there. On Sunday, we were up at dawn and out … Continue reading

Baja California Summary/Highlights/Lowlights

On July 6, 2022, Kosmos set off on a Sea of Cortez adventure! We stopped in Ensenada to check into Mexico. From there, we did an 828 nautical mile (nm), 5-day non-stop passage to the La Paz area. We spent … Continue reading

Keith’s Thoughts on Baja/Réflexions de Keith sur Baja

Overall, I like Baja California, Mexico It has it’s good parts and it’s bad parts. It has beautiful scenery (mostly rock formations… most plants we found were cactus or dead).  Dans l’ensemble, j’ai aimé Baja California. Mexico a des bons … Continue reading