Dawn on Tuesday, January 21 We began the day with a minor crisis. Christi’s normal routine is to make a cup of coffee, grab some rags, and go out on deck. She wipes down the exterior of the boat while … Continue reading →
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Exploring the Jungle/Ruins of Ft. Sherman
Sunrise on Monday, January 20, taken from Mike and Kim’s hotel room: Shelter Marina Bay is situated on the western side of the Panama Canal in what used to be an American military base called Fort Sherman. The City of … Continue reading →
Keith’s Perspective on Panama City/Le Point de Vue de Keith sur Panama City
This week has been very eventful. On Saturday morning we arrived at Panama. We did the usual settling in process, then went to go eat something. But in Panama, breakfast really isn’t a thing, so there weren’t any restaurants open. … Continue reading →
Panama Canal Transit Part 5: Finishing the Transit
continued… It was exhilarating when the last Gatun lock doors opened into the Caribbean Sea. We did it! And with no damage to the boat and no injuries! Woo hoo! We quickly untied and drove forward into the northern portion … Continue reading →
Panama Canal Transit Part 4 — The Gatun Locks
Continued… As we drove towards the Gatun Locks, we were told that this time, the large ship would be tied up behind us. That was fantastic news, as it meant we wouldn’t have to deal with the turbulent waters created … Continue reading →
Panama Canal Transit Part 3 – Lake Gatun
Continued… Once we exited the lock, we were officially in Lake Gatun. We needed to cross the 26 miles (33 km) lake to reach the set of locks that would take us back down to sea level. Fifteen years ago, … Continue reading →
Panama Canal Transit Part 2 – The Pedro Miguel Lock
continued… We were now 54 feet higher above sea level than we had been before entering the first of the two Mira Flores locks. Here are our advisors strategizing about the next lock, while Eric waited for directions. While we were waiting for … Continue reading →
The Panama Canal Transit Part 1 — The Mira Flores Locks
Sunday, January 19 — We’d meant to set the alarm for 0300, but Christi screwed up and set it for 0200. She was able to reset it, roll over and go back to sleep, but Eric was up for the … Continue reading →
More Sightseeing in Panama City
Saturday, January 18 — We forgot to mention that this week, we’d had the bottom cleaned. The bottom cleaning guy had approached us as soon as we’d pulled into the slip the previous Saturday, and was insistent about doing our … Continue reading →
Keith’s Perspective on the Passage from Puerto Chipas to Panama City/Le point de vue de Keith sur le passage de Puerto Chipas à Panama City
This week has been really boring. We’ve been at sea the entire week. We left for Panama Saturday morning of January 4th. On Sunday I learned that yogurt tastes the same coming up as it does coming down. I played a lot … Continue reading →