We’re on our way back to Juneau as I write this. We got a late start this afternoon, (more about that later), so we won’t get to Auke Bay Marina until the wee hours of July 6.We, (Sam Floyd, Phyllis, Will and I), left there on the afternoon of the …
Tag Archives | Nordhavn
July 2, 2009 Skagway to Juneau
This is the first of what I intend to be regular updates on our travels on our little ship, Arcadia 1. I promise! I will remember to take pictures and attach some as we go along.The purchase of Arcadia 1 was completed, on schedule on 20Jun09. Last Mond…
Isabela Stop and We Are Off
We are not allowed to visit islands other than San Cristobal without special permits which are extremely costly. However, all ports around the world will provide safe harbor for as vessel with a problem regardless of other rules. The Capitano del Pue…
Gale warning
A major spring storm was
forecast to hit the Puget Sound on Friday. A 972-mb
low over southern Vancouver Island would generate storm-force winds along the
April 3, 2010 – Punta Chivato
We went out to dinner our last night in Santa Rosalia with the entire population of the marina. I think there were probably 15 or so of us. It was very jolly. The next morning at 5:30 we pulled away from the dock and headed south. Our destination w…
April 1, 2010 – Santa Rosalia
Santa Rosalia has a small harbor, with a ferry dock, a commercial dock and two very small marinas. We decided to go the newer one, Singular, which has room for 15 boats. We tried to hail the marina on the radio several times and finally just went in …
Galapagos Reflections
Next week our 20 days will be up and we are readying our ship to go. The Admiral is making lists of last minute fresh food that we will buy and bring aboard for 3 weeks at sea. The Captain has all the fuel tanks filled to capacity and has anot…
March 31, 2010 – Santa Rosalia
I have photographed a couple of maps of Baja to help locate where we are. The first is an overview and the others are more localized.March 28 Puerto Mangles Well the wind blew all night and we expected to stay put at Isla Coronado, but around 8 am i…
20 Questions Part 3: Dangers at Sea
Location: Sarasota, Florida Coordinates: 27° 20.036′ N 82° 32.814′ W Grab your favorite snack and a beverage, this is a long one. 🙂 Sections and questions are in bold, hopefully making it easier for you to go right to your area of interest. Have you ever felt in danger? What about pirates? Do you carry […]
Another adventure begins!
After a hectic 3 weeks on Lake Macquarie, catching up with family and friends we departed the Lake with excess cargo!! Mum and Dad were on board for the 6hr trip to Port Stephens and after going through the Swansea Bridge on a 0800 hr opening we cruise…