Tag Archives | Diesel Duck

August 24 – Port Malmesbury

We continue our path down Chatham Strait with the intent of rounding around the bottom of Kuiu Island. Port Malmesbury is one of the last anchorages before Cape Decision at the bottom. The weather was a bit foggy at the beginning of the day but fortun…

August 22-23 – Red Bluff Bay

After our relaxing time at Warm Springs, we headed a short distance further south to Red Bluff Bay. Both guidebooks and firsthand accounts rave about how scenic Red Bluff is so we are looking forward to it. Besides the scenery, the guides also talk abo…

August 21 – Warm Springs Bay

The run to Warm Springs Bay was comfortable in calm seas. On account of the name, it is no surprise that the attraction here are the natural hot springs. There is as small community of vacation homes and a state public dock, which is generally occupied…

August 20 – Appleton Cove

We departed Sitka about 10 AM in order to time a slack current transit of Sergius Narrows, the protected water route from Sitka to Chatham Strait. A local eagle sat on the stabilizer poles of a nearby fishing boat and watched us depart. Along the way…

August 14-16 Touring Sitka

We got back this afternoon from doing a short two night cruise to some local anchorages. Our “guide” has been Wade, a friend of the Nagles who is joining them for the return trip to Seattle. Wade is a retired United Airlines 747 pilot who, post ret…

August 9 – 12 – Elfin Cove to Sitka

We departed Elfin Cove Monday, August 9, for Sitka. We started the trip by going to Pelican, another board walk community similar to Elfin Cove with no roads, only a board walk. The cannery in Pelican closed a few years ago and many other businesses in…

August 5 – 8 – Elfin Cove

After three glorious days in Glacier Bay, the clouds returned and the morning fog did not burn off. We motored south out of Glacier Bay into Icy Strait. The visibility was less than 1/2 mile so we relied on our radar to tell us what vessels were out t…

August 1 – 5 – Glacier Bay

To say we had a wonderful time in Glacier Bay is an understatement.  Bookend between a bit of clouds and wind at the start of the trip and mist and fog and the end of the trip were three absolutely gorgeous days. Glacier Bay is quite deep, proba…

July 31 – Swanson Harbor

We left yesterday, July 30, for Glacier Bay National Park.  We have a six day permit for entry on August 1.  As an intermediate spot between Juneau and Glacier Bay we went to Swanson Harbor. The state of Alaska has two floats in Swanson Bay a…

July 30 – A Few Photos

While breakfasting at a local waffle shop, I am taking advantage of its WiFi to upload a few photos of the trip since Petersburg. The whale photos are courtesy of Dorothy Nagle.  I never seem to have our camera out and telephoto attached when th…