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Man Overboard!!!

It was terrifying! I was shaking out the bedspread to get the, what else, dog hair off when suddenly there was Woobie floating in the water beside the boat. I screamed for Jeffrey and launched into the procedures we had gone over in our drills. In a fl…

Overnight to Savannah

I can hear some of you are saying, “Geez, another picture of Dyna sleeping. Is that all she does?” First, Dyna is a sweet old girl and thus can sleep as much as she wants. Second, this is totally different. In this picture Dyna is sleeping about 20 mil…

Overnight to Savannah

Making Tracks

Pulling out of Top Rack at 6:45 amWe finally pulled out of Portsmouth Wednesday afternoon. Don’t get me wrong we love Portsmouth but unfortunately we had a “schedule” – a very bad word to use on a boat. We were willing to miss the various dates for saf…

The Morning After

Tuesday morning we awoke to only mild winds and the sun attempting to peek through the clouds. We felt very lucky but were sobered by watching the morning news reports about what happen to the north. She may let us become a bit complacent but Mother Na…

Hurricane Sandy

So you know it’s real when Friday morning the men begin to gather on the dock. They’re pointing to the high buildings surrounding the basin, discussing which way the wind will clock, how high the storm surge should be. Then they begin pointing to their…

Downtown Hampton Public Piers

There are some places along the waterway that we hear about again and again. Hampton, VA is one of those places. In particular, the Downtown Hampton Public Piers has been one of the highest rated marinas in ActiveCaptain. We’ve read the reviews, talked…

Mail Day

When we pulled into Downtown Hampton Public Piers we had our mail drop waiting for us. Over the years delivery of our snail mail has gotten less frequent with each batch being smaller and smaller. But there are just some things you can’t eliminate with…

Ear Terror!

  I saw a show some years back about the history of dogs. They mentioned the apparent correlation between floppy ears and the friendliness of a breed. It talked about a project that was done to see if it was possible to create tame fox. Can’t…


 “Youth is wasted on the young.”Quote from my all time favorite movie, It’s A Wonderful LifeTell any sixteen year old that mature adults know how to party and I can just see the eye roll. They think anyone over 30 is sitting home watching Lawrence…