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There She Blows

What a Great Year and what a Great Trip.  As we pulled into Nantucket on a foggy night our minds were filled with memories.  This little video will give you a little taste of what we where thinking.

Boldly going where few loopers have gone before gives us the Gold.

My god is it Cold!  Early in the morning Anna and I pushed off from Cape May, NJ.  The weather for the next five three days is calling for heavy winds and seas off the Jersey coast.  If we are going to cross our wake this week and s…

To the Chesapeake and Beyond

It was an early start as we pushed out of Norfolk.  The sun has been cresting over the horizon a bit earlier each day and with another patch of heavy winds coming in we need all the daylight we can get.  As we made our way up Hampton Roads, w…

The City of Steel.

As we pulled out of the last lock on the Dismal Swamp Canal, it was pretty clear that we weren’t in Kansas anymore.  The water quickly changed from the clean amber pure water in the canal to a dark murky industrial soup.  Norfolk Harbor is kn…

Old North State

There is no other way to put it than we are on the move.  With time running out on our Great Loop adventure we are buckled down and forging North.  I must say when we first left Florida we felt sad as we looked around and saw less and less bo…

Two more down

   Georgia is beautiful!  On our run up to St. Simon’s Island we saw the King’s Bay Submarine Base.  It is just amazing and a bit spooky how close the ICW runs along the side of this base.  When we passed by…

If we leave this early will they still call us snowbirds?

After crossing Shuttle Launch off our bucket list we pulled away from Titusville still shocked and amazed that we had seen Discovery fly.  Unfortunately it was really time to finish up our stay in Florida and begin to get up the coa…

We have Lift Off!

When Anna and I started our Loop we had always hoped that when we arrived in Florida we would be lucky enough to witness a shuttle launch.  Well as luck would have it on a beautiful Thursday afternoon in February we got just that.  Enjoy the …

The Boating Community

The boating community never fails to amaze us.  I know we have said it a lot but we just can’t say it enough, we have met so many awesome people along the way. All to often now we find ourselves saying goodbye or rather see you later.&nb…

Moons over Miami

After pulling out of Marathon we felt good getting some water under the keel.  Our first stop was shell key where we tied to a free mooring ball for a night. The view from the mooring was amazing and we waited with baited breath as the s…