We have spent the last seven days in Las Perlas Islands and Pinas Bay enjoying beautiful anchorages, exploring, interacting with the local native tribes, and fishing–all with the company of our friends Chuck and Karen. Fishing was a little sporadic t…
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Pinas Bay and Panama City
Air conditioning is up and running! Our air conditioning went down on a Tuesday afternoon; we had the part from the States on late Thursday afternoon; and the part installed on Friday morning. We felt very fortunate with the timing. We departed Pana…
Pictures have finally been posted in the Gallery Manager. (View Post…)
Departing Puerto Los Cabos
We have recently returned to Puerto Los Cabos after going home to Seattle to get caught on life and to visit with family and friends. Before leaving for Seattle, we enjoyed the company of Michael and Gretchen from the Tri-Cities for a week aboard Chin…

Trip to Sea of Cortez
Our good friends, Ken and Mary, arrived from Seattle Wednesday, March 23rd. Our plans were to depart the marina Thursday AM for the Sea of Cortez, which we did, but just after departing the marina, we realized a shaft seal needed replacing. We returne…