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Happy Hour

This is a photo of our back deck. Happy hour happens any time after 5. At Pete’s suggestion we added the umbrella, which was a great idea for some shade relief. in fact we are on the hunt for a larger one with a vent so the wind doesn’t carry it awa…

Minestrone Anyone

Minestrone Anyone. (Continued…)

The Neighborhood

We even have the White Picket fence to keep the child contained.  (Continued…)

Our House, In the Middle of the Street

Yup this is home sweet home. We are meeting some of our neighbors, yesterday there was a great Aloha party for the cruisers at the marina and anchorage. The food was very good. Tim & Gina zipped by on their way home from church this afternoon to ask…

Bridget goes Ashore

Bridget is getting more comfortable goin’ ashore and seems almost smiley riding in the bow. (View Post…)

Breakfast of Champions

Breakfast of Champions (Continued…)

Gin Anyone

Gin anyone? (Continued…)

We Did Bust Velcro Beach

We DID bust Velcro Beach (Continued…)

Saturday March 1


Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Happy St. Patrick’s Day (Continued…)