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Sad News

This is certainly off-topic from a cruising blog but this is my blog so I get to decide what to write about. Last Saturday, May 14, my mother, Vida Hanson, passed away. She was 94 years old. Her death was sudden in that she had no major chronic ailmen…

Summer Plans

You can tell Spring has arrived to the PNW.  Days are longer, grass is growing and the rain is warmer.  Everywhere you look people are starting on outdoor chores. Our cruising plans begin with a departure the last week of April or the first …

Winter Dream’in – Part 2

I’ve been fussing further with the track data I extracted from the navigation computer and have uploaded all our anchorages up to both the Microsoft and Google mapping sites.  These can be opened up as a separate browser windows and don’t requ…

Winter Dream’in

While looking out at the Seattle winter grayness it is fun to relive this summer’s journeys. I pulled from the navigation computer the tracks recorded by the software.  I’ve exported them into a file that can be opened in Google Earth (softwar…

September 3-19 – Propped Migration

Rather than pretend I am keeping up the blog by back dating entries, this post is a roll-up of things since Ketchikan. There is a wonderful movie about birds, Winged Migration. I feel as though we’ve become a part of a human equivalent by joining th…

Ketchikan – August 30

After six weeks of poking around north and west of Ketchikan, we motored back into Bar Harbor marina this afternoon. Before pulling in, we stopped at the fuel dock and took on 200 gallons of fuel. I estimate that we had somewhat over 300 gallons of f…

August 29 – Gardner Bay

What a great day! First, the weather was perfect, light winds and partly sunny as the day wore on. Second, the scenery was spectacular as we motored through protected channels created by the dozens of little islands in the bay. Lastly, we had some unfo…

August 28 – Kassa Island Bay

We departed at oh-dark thirty in order to hit slack at Tlevak Narrows, about 19 miles from Craig.  Even though we were only about forty minutes past slack, we already had a 2 knot current (in our favor fortunately) in the narrows and nearly knots …

August 27 – Craig

We got a fairly early start in order to get close to slack water through the Tonowek Narrows. The cruising was pleasant and we arrived in the town of Craig shortly after 12PM. Along the way, we saw the requisite sea otters. We also had become sensiti…

August 26 – Cyrus Cove

From Dry Pass Lagoon, we traveled a few miles further and anchored a short distance from the dinghy dock for the El Capitan Caves. In hindsight, we probably should have skipped last night’s anchorage and just anchored here.  Next year, maybe. …